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Bologna-Seminar: "The European Dimension of Quality Assurance"

14. März 2011 - Berlin

Jointly organised by the German Accreditation Council and the German Rectors’ Conference — Project nexus.

At the ministerial conference in Leuven/Louvain-La Neuve ministers reasserted the crucial importance of “further developing the European dimension of quality assurance”. Significant progress has been made with regard to the implementation of the ESG, since they were adopted in Bergen in 2005. The procedures of external quality assurance in Europe are converging to a certain extent. In two fields, however, further efforts have to be made in order to strengthen the European dimension of quality assurance:

  • mutual recognition of quality assurance decisions, to foster mutual recognition of programmes and qualifications
  • quality assurance of joint degree programmes.

The Bologna seminar seeks to focus on possible ways how to strengthen the link between quality assurance and the recognition of degrees. Moreover, it will raise the issue of quality assurance in joint programmes, which is still bound to specific and often differing national regulations, irrespective of the ESG. Growing numbers of joint programmes underline the necessity of a real European dimension in quality assurance, allowing for joint, cross-border QA mechanisms and procedures, thus lowering the burden on the HEIs involved.